Ant Musing: Let’s talk

This podcast episode is about conversation. I ask what are the different factors which determine the different styles. What is your favourite mode of conversation?

It has given me to chance to air my painting ‘Let’s Talk’ again!

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  1. Very nice. I really enjoyed that. I like the bit about sideways conversation. My wife and I had read about that very thing in books that give advice about how to talk to your children, particularly teenagers, to keep a dialogue flowing.

  2. Really interesting Ant. I especially agree that conversations whilst outside and walking or doing other activities can be the most rewarding. Not only because of the environment, but also because they are mostly conducted in the ‘side by side’ position and rarely in the ‘opposing’ position which can be very confrontational – depending on the nature and topic of conversation.

    Have you read ‘I’m okay, you’re okay’? It looks at behaviour, but also the transactional analysis of conversations (TA). If you haven’t read it, I think that you’d find it interesting. I was particularly amused by the ‘Ain’t it awful’ type conversations whereby one, otherwise happy and positive person, can have their mood changed by a brief encounter with the negativity which sometimes oozes from others – and vice versa of course. Although I find conversations with negative people a huge challenge which induces a ‘flight’ response in me and I rarely hang around for long! Ha, ha, ha,

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      Thanks Reg. Yes, read that. TA is very key and I think the positioning of the speakers can encourage the archetype. Side by side is Adult to Adult, even if one of you is a Child!

  3. You are right about walking, and that many things influence how a particular conversation goes. With more than two people involved, the positioning makes a big difference. Nice picture of (I assume) Becca and Jake.

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  4. Another good one!

    I really like the way you introduce the various settings from Becca on the Downs to the court room. And, as you say, walking and talking is best.

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  5. A good conversation is the informal exchange of news and ideas.
    Exchange is the key word as some may regard a conversation as sharing their ideas but showing no particular interest in the other person/s.
    In school we regularly find ourselves teaching conversational skills.

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