Good as usual, thanks. You have resolved the issues well. I am less creative than you are, and what creativity I have is not done through art. You could not miss out day 15. You see patterns in order, and I see patterns in numbers. It is not just visual.
Excellently well thought through again Ant. As a poet, I identify with everything you have to say about inspiration here. Your conclusion hits the nail on the head, ie we are best looking for a pattern of inspiration rather than a pattern that inspires us. This “pattern of inspiration” links back to what you say about frame of mind earlier in the podcast, and what I would call a habit of attentiveness. If we make a habit of attending to the outer world and to our own inner world then ( I believe) the inspirations for our art will come to us. So, paradoxically perhaps, creativity is largely about discipline.
Firstly, it brings to mind connecting with the inner child. As we get older and wiser this ability is dampened. For me it was anyway. We grow up being taught what ‘the box’ should look like, how we should feel. act, and think. So it’s a healthy practice book I think.
Secondly, pattern makes me think of chaos theory. Endlessly repeating patterns with smaller patterns inside larger ones to infinity. I once thought the world is like that. The planets in the solar system being like an atom. Like Gulliver’s travels our universe as one atom in God’s body. He made man in his own image.
Good as usual, thanks. You have resolved the issues well. I am less creative than you are, and what creativity I have is not done through art. You could not miss out day 15. You see patterns in order, and I see patterns in numbers. It is not just visual.
Excellently well thought through again Ant. As a poet, I identify with everything you have to say about inspiration here. Your conclusion hits the nail on the head, ie we are best looking for a pattern of inspiration rather than a pattern that inspires us. This “pattern of inspiration” links back to what you say about frame of mind earlier in the podcast, and what I would call a habit of attentiveness. If we make a habit of attending to the outer world and to our own inner world then ( I believe) the inspirations for our art will come to us. So, paradoxically perhaps, creativity is largely about discipline.
Firstly, it brings to mind connecting with the inner child. As we get older and wiser this ability is dampened. For me it was anyway. We grow up being taught what ‘the box’ should look like, how we should feel. act, and think. So it’s a healthy practice book I think.
Secondly, pattern makes me think of chaos theory. Endlessly repeating patterns with smaller patterns inside larger ones to infinity. I once thought the world is like that. The planets in the solar system being like an atom. Like Gulliver’s travels our universe as one atom in God’s body. He made man in his own image.