Up, down and up

This week’s Antmusing podcast is about an intense afternoon’s activity in Ipswich and what it all told me.

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  1. Thank you for coming to see our work at St Michaels, Upper Orwell Street this week, we feel so honoured to feature in your pod cast this week.

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  2. Well done Ant! Very evocative. Interesting to hear about your trip around Ipswich, and particularly interesting for me to learn that St Michael’s has been bought and will be restored once again as a community centre – albeit Christian.

    Interesting to listen to your thoughts on destruction and then resurrection. Hope resurfacing. We need such thoughts. Thanks, Bev xx

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  3. Very interesting story, thanks, and a great photo.

    I recall going to a party at a church that had been de-commissioned.

    I once worked for Ecclesiastical Insurance, which insures churches, amoung other lines. Churches were sometimes sold, but remained with the same insurer. Several became mosques.

    Many churches have changed religion, or at least denomination, over the centuries. I think of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, and most UK churches due to the Reformation.

    I recently went to the Dedham Art & Craft Centre, which is in a converted church.

    With wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, as well as yet another shooting in the States, your comments about Jo Cox, etc. are well-timed.

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